Did you use the fan in the oven?

Was it placed in the middle of the oven?

What were the dimensions of the baking form?

Thank you!

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Sounds great with olive oil! But, Marie, why do you put the batter on the fridge overnight before baking it? What does to the final cheesecake?

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Several things: the flavour vastly improves! But also, resting allows the bubbles in the batter to settle which improves the texture I’ve found :)

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Humm I’ll try to see the flavor then!! About the bubbles, I do it with the hand mixer without incorporating air… also think it improves the texture :)

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Would it be possible to use ricotta instead of cream cheese? I'm curious because i live in Italy and have access to good quality ricotta.

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Yes you can! It will be a different texture - lighter and fluffier rather than dense and creamy - because of the difference in fat. You could use maybe 50/50 mascarpone (or similar high fat) and ricotta for a texture closer to the original.

Another thing to note is that cream cheese typically contains 0,3% locust bean/carob gum which binds the water. So without that there might be a little excess water seeping from the cheesecake day after. :)

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Brilliant! thank you so much for your tips! 🙏 I'll try blending with mascarpone then to increase fat content. I also have some carob seed powder (for ice cream) so could add some of that? should i stick to 0.3% per weight of ricotta/mascarpone blend?

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I haven’t yet experimented with mascarpone basque cheesecake, it’s high on my to do list! With and without adding the carob to see how it affects texture. You can add it, it will bind with the mixture doing baking. However I think you should be fine without it, the flour/starch do absorb most of the whey!

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Ok perfect.

thank you so much again for your feedback, really looking forward to trying this as soon as I pick up some ricotta from the farmers market 🙏😋

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